NEW YORK ComiCon 2017 @ the Javits Center
The 2017 edition of New York ComicCon once again did not disappoint the numerous fans who gathered at the Javits Center for the biggest convention of the East Coast about Comics, Manga, Graphic Novels, RPGs, and all the media nowadays related to them: TV Shows, movies, anime, video games, etc. etc..
Intended originally as a traditional fair dedicated to people fan of comic books and graphic novels, the event started to evolve with the development of the contemporary console games, which added video games characters to comic ones, then with the addition of Cosplayers, people who enjoy to dress-up as their favorite character, and it boomed with the arrival of Studio Movies based on the most renewed and beloved comic heroes from the two major comic publishing companies: Marvel and DC.
Nowadays, the event is a gigantic multimedia factory, with exhibitions, panels, vendors, competitions for the best cosplay, international guests, and world premieres.
One of the main attractions of the 2017 edition was, as a matter of fact, the exhibition of the fabulous works of Alex Ross, unanimously considered one of the best and most talented comic author/designer of the new generation.
Alex Ross’s works express a unique combination and fusion of old and new style: his characters look like dissented directly from Mount Olympus (Gods nest, according to Greek mythology), but their features reveal at the same time a deepness, complexity, combined with a dynamism, which built the exclusivity of the style of this beloved artist.
Among the main topic of this edition, we had, of course, abundantly pre-announced release, during Spring 2018, of Justice League the movie, that will present for the first time the original roster of the coalition of superheroes from the DC Universe, other than confirming the fan theory about the crossover with the Netflix TV Show the Flash, along with solving the mystery about the death of Superman.
The second main topic was, of course, the long-awaited second chapter of the last Star Wars Trilogy, the Last Jedi, which will be released – as usual – before Christmas.
But the real protagonist of ComicCon is the fans, who every year can surprise with more and more elaborate and accurate costumes, creative mix-ups, and crossovers among the many different beloved characters.
And it is thanks to them that next year we are going to be here. Same time. Same place.
Live long and prosper. \\//
Articles and pictures by Joseph Ralph Fraia.